Spring is coming…

The weather is definitely perking up a bit now wouldn’t you agree?

I just love seeing the start of the cherry blossom and the tips of the daffodils , snowdrops and crocuses as they wait to bloom.

We have some exciting things to celebrate the season and prepare you for coming out of your winter hibernation. Its a great time for a good clear out and to make plans for new beginnings. A reset to get back in the world so you can enjoy the fresh air and brighter days.

Our treatments are designed to help you relax and reset your mind and body so you feel more able to focus on tasks and the changes you want to implement.

Get in touch to chat about how you would like to feel and let us recommend the right treatment for you.

To celebrate spring and Mother’s Day we have a few things in the diary if you want to know more, take a look at the events and the specials page and book your tickets or buy the deals online.

Mother’s Day wreath making workshop – Sat 11 march 4-7pm

Woodland Hideout Package – includes facial and back massage plus some special things we have created just for you

  • You can buy deal online

We look forward to seeing you soon

What make our facials so special ?

What makes our facials so special ?

We pride ourselves on being experts in our field, and between us we have a wealth of knowledge and experience.

Those of you who have had facials for a long time will have witnessed many changes in the industry as have we. With new knowledge comes new innovations and better protocols. We have changed how we work from old school cleanse, tone and moisturise to facial scrubs are not recommended as they once were! They are now deemed to leave microscopic scratches on the skin which we didn’t seem too bothered about in the old Avon or Clinique days.  But we cannot ignore the new information and so things have now changed. We used to offer microdermabrasion which is now a definite ‘no’ from us as we believe it to go against the main philosophy Nimue.  

There will always be a latest fad or trend that celebrities are endorsing but its not necessarily the best option for everyone. We can offer advice without the confusion.

We did our beauty therapy training at college for 3 years which is on a level similar to what nurses study on anatomy and physiology of the skin and body systems. We then developed our speciality of skin by expanding our expertise further.

We have done extensive training with many of the big brands including: Elemis, Clarins, Dermalogica, Carita, Decleor, E’spa, Natural Spa Factory and most recently Nimue skin technology.

These brands all have their own unique ways of cleansing and massaging the face. So as you can imagine there are so many massage moves to learn and remember that they stay with you for a long time.
We have taken all the best bits from our knowledge and created what we believe to be the best facials ever. Incorporating all the fluffy bits that make the facial relaxing : essential oils, Gua Sha stones, scalp massage and hot towels.
Plus you get results driven Skincare that delivers all you need to get your skin in the best condition from the inside out.  This is clever stuff, it treats the cause not just the symptom of a skin complaint and sorts it all out.

Nimue uses ‘AHA’ (Alpha Hydroxy Acid) and ‘BHA’ (Beta Hydroxy Acid) Technology along with Fruit Enzymes to gently rejuvenate the skin with minimal irritation and maximum penetration of active ingredients.

This means the active ingredients don’t hang around too long on the surface of the skin causing irritation. Instead it gets sent deeper down into the cellular layers where it can work its magic and help the skin function more efficiently. This unique technology can help repair the barrier if it has been damaged which in turn will help everything else work better.

An expert salon facial will get your skin on the right track accompanied by a good homecare routine. You can achieve fantastic results in a just a few months. Get in touch with our award winning team to have a chat about how we can start your Nimue journey and you can start enjoying our dreamy facials.

Christmas again …

How are we all feeling about Christmas this year ?

I suppose it’s better than previous pandemic years but it has its own doom and gloom. What with all the scaremongery in the news about the cost of living crisis along with usual stuff.

It’s more important than ever to be grateful for what we have and try not to chase what we don’t.

There has always been a pinch in the air around this time of year, I believe it is due to the constant pressure of performing to please friends and family and now followers—whoever they are ? And now to display our ”perfect” lives on social media, which we get judged for it not being as perfect as it should be.

We need to change the narrative and teach the next generation this doesn’t have to be the way forward. We can look back on wartimes and other times of economic crises to see that its not what’s on the table it’s who’s around it that matters. We just do not need anymore clutter or useless items that will probably end up in landfill.

We need to realise how lucky we are to have the abundance of love around us and embrace our love for ourselves in better ways to show our children that this is okay. We need to make a stand and speak our truth with confidence to show people we do not listen to their judgements. This can mean simply declining invitations you previously felt compelled to attend, or simply putting boundaries in place that means you don’t end up being taken advantage of.

Also not following trends to have more and more things you need to buy to make you happy. I mean how many coats and hats does one person need. The way they advertise it every year you need a new one or the latest style. Its simply not necessary. Don’t even get me started on phones and gadgets.

Or the Gift giving, the pressure to find the perfect gift and spend money we do not have on things we do not need every year gets people into debt and depression, lets just stop once and for all.

We can show the next generation that a deep love for oneself creates happiness and a feeling of contentment. This should be a true feeling and come from oneself. I believe that venturing down a path to explore these things can be beneficial.

The treatments we offer at The Powder Room Birstall facilitate this way of thinking and can help focus your mind on the things that will help these feelings grow. As well as giving you the tools to be more assertive and not conform to the pressures we face.

My team and I are passionate about empowering you and making you feel heard. We want to get this message across to teenagers so they feel better in themselves as its worse for them to settle into much these days without the constant barrage of notifications on their phones that they use to validate their worth.

Social media has a lot to answer for, but we need to show them ways to cope with life’s tribulations and give them tools to manage feelings of overwhelm. We also need to lead by example and let our actions show them how much more simple life can be without the distractions and the need for instant gratification.

It is an addiction, we are constantly chasing the next hit of dopamine whether its from online purchases or social media likes for instant validation. This is not a true reflection of how people in real life perceive you and one should not rely on such attention to measure your self worth.

We need to feel that worth from deep within ourselves. It can be validated by actions and acts of kindness from others rather than empty words that do more harm than good in the long run.

Our women’s circle events offer a safe space to connect with others and share our feelings so we can work together to form deeper connections with ourselves to nurture our lives and live more authentically for our own needs rather than being pressured to conform to the system that has been created for us.

There are so many ways to live well and help each other out– for instance:

  • Supporting your local high street shops for anything you do need to buy
  • Buying locally farmed produce
  • Make do and mend rather than disposing of so many things to landfill
  • Recycle and reuse what we cam
  • Use cash as much as possible
  • Use your own currency of exchange of services for each other where possible
  • Create a community to work with


So many more ideas I would love to hear your suggestions  please email me or comment.

Lets look forward to the future together.




Stress and the menopause

Natalie has recently completed training to become a Menopause Mentor. This means we can now help you with your journey into midlife and make it run more smoothly with our expert guidance.

We have created a program to tackle all the issues related with the symptoms that accompany peri menopause and menopause. If you are ready to take action and make the changes needed to improve your wellbeing, then this is the program for you!

We host regular events where we explain the symptoms and treatments available to help you feel more like you again. Plus, our holistic approach means our treatments can be tailored to your specific needs.

The main focus for us is Stress Management – We can reduce your stress levels considerably, even if you only have time for a simple back massage right now it’s a start!

Stress plays a key role in how the menopause affects our lives. We can’t always control what’s happening around us, but we can control how we react to it. We have treatments to help balance our energies and reset the body, so we feel more equipped to deal with what life has in store for us. How the body reacts to stress is paramount to coping better with daily life. We can show you how.

Some of the treatments that can help include Reiki, Reflexology, Aromatherapy, Mindful sessions, Massage, Facials and so much more.

Moving forward we have tips and resources to help you manage your stress at home and give you skills to change the way your body reacts to stress, as this is ultimately the problem which links stress – midlife and – the menopause.

Book a consultation with Natalie to see if the menopause program is right for you and if you are ready to take action with our help every step of the way.

How much is the program? from £1500-£5000 (payment plans available)

How long does it last? Between 3 and 8 months

What does the program include:

  • Bespoke Treatment Plan to include Reiki healing to balance your energies and realign the chakras so you feel more grounded – improves feelings of anxiety and overwhelm
  • Skincare advice and full homecare kit if required
  • Results driven Nimue facials to sort your menopausal skin out
  • Aromatherapy massage with specially blended oils tailored to your needs
  • Reflexology to pinpoint areas that may need extra attention.
  • Useful links to point you in the direction for more information
  • Supplements to improve gut health and metabolism
  • Nutrition advice on what foods can help with hormonal imbalance and give you more energy by fuelling your body instead of denying it with fad diets
  • Exercise tips and contacts for local classes online and in person.
  • Full support with documents to read at home and learn more about how together we can make your journey to the next chapter of your life amazing!
  • Plus, so much more. – Its different for everyone as we all have our own way of healing and individual issues that need to be ironed out with your menopause mentor who will guide you every step of the way.


EMAIL NATALIE    –   thepowderroombirstall@gmail.com

If you’re not quite ready to commit to the programme we have treatments that can be booked to suit your schedule and budget and that may be of interest as a starting point.  see list above. Get in touch to see how we can start to help you feel like yourself again and get that spark back.

Healing Journey

We invite you to join us along your healing journey and let us be a part of it.

As you grow spiritually and emotionally, we will be there to support you. Whatever stage you are at in life we want you to feel the love we have for you and love you have for yourself. Selflove and selfcare are different things and both are important to have a happy balanced life.

Selflove means showing kindness to yourself. (How you speak to yourself and view yourself in the mirror)

Selfcare means taking care of yourself physically and mentally. (Eating nutritious foods to fuel your body and being mindful of what you read, view, scroll on social media etc)

Our Holistic treatment menu has evolved, and we are now offering some beautiful healing therapies that guarantee you some peace and calm during and after. Healing is a long process, and we may not realise what we even need to heal from or where to start. We can help you find your happiness again if you have been feeling stuck or need a change to move on with your next chapter.

We now incorporate crystal healing, cleansing smoke rituals, along with sound therapy aspects in the massage treatment such as rain sticks, ocean drums and tingsha bells to give a sensory experience.

We can also add on a mindful session to include intention setting, releasing any negativity you may have been holding on to. Also, gratitude journalling, breathwork and visualisation meditation to add an extra layer to your treatment of choice.

See our holistic page for more details and we look forward to sharing our love and healing with you soon.

*Keep a look out on facebook for our events such as sharing circles and our warrior women group


Midlife Crisis and Menopause 

Read on to explore the link between mid life and the menopause.

Menopause is a transition like puberty with hormone levels fluctuating and conditional responses from people in our past affecting how we feel about getting older. We could be holding onto subconscious beliefs from childhood that encourage us to make conditional responses towards our children, partner or ourselves, creating negative feelings and contributing to anxiety.

Examples of conditional responses:

  • Snapping at children or partner
  • Harmful internal talk
  • Destructive behaviour
  • Self sabotage
  • Hyper productivity
  • Body shaming
  • Isolation
  • Feeling powerless
  • Incessant complaining/ criticising
  • Catastrophising

We can change these by healing ourselves and making simple changes to how we react to things.

Here are some tips on how to flip the narrative :

  • Talk about how you feel to others
  • Journaling can help – by writing it all down it’s out of your head.
  • Join local groups online or in person to meet likeminded people
  • Take an active interest in wellness and see how you can feel better
  • Exercise- any will do but some good ones are : yoga, swim, walk, seated exercise classes.
  • Meditation- it’s easier than you think use apps such as calm or headspace for guided meditation or YouTube
  • Read a book or even better join / start a book club.
  • Book some time to relax – a Massage or Reiki healing
  • Book some hypnotherapy sessions
  • Find new hobbies
  • Gardening – maybe join a local group
  • Painting
  • Creative writing
  • Charity work
  • Coffee mornings
  • Learn a new sport
  • Learn a new language
  • Learn to play an instrument
  • Reignite sex life
  • Attend menopause discussions (at the powder room or online)


It’s called “THE CHANGE” for a reason!

So this rollercoaster into midlife is hard work sometimes and while topping up your hormones with HRT will help considerably. You need to find a path that suits you and make some changes to your lifestyle.

We understand this may seem overwhelming and you may not know where to start – that’s where we come in !

We will listen and make sense of all the things that are making you feel below par right now to create a bespoke plan to get you through.

It’s important that you find meaning and purpose as you enter the next chapter of your wonderful life. Some people seek more adventure whist others seek peace and security.

Some want more money whereas others steer towards a less materialistic world and embrace a more spiritual journey.

Whatever you’re craving make sure you are around the right people to make you feel a part of something great and to give you a sense of belonging.  Rather than people who are negative and hinder your goals.

In our 20’s and 30’s oestrogen gives us the ability to see things through rose tinted glasses to protect us from the reality of childhood. When we get older our oestrogen levels drop and we see things for what they are – We may need help navigating this so we don’t become overwhelmed or disheartened.

We have two types of stress :

Stress type 1 – Happening now – deadlines, traffic etc

Stress type 2 – Past stress – hidden/ blocked out childhood trauma or negative influences from past relationships

When we replace the negative programming with positive – our brains autonomic nervous system will react and make us feel lighter, more confident and hopeful for the future. The stress fades away or we change the way we deal with it.  We can learn to manage our stress and not get stuck in the stress cycle which is exhausting as I’m sure you’ll agree.

Specific treatments that will deal with the symptoms these issues bring and help you feel better include :




Aromatherapy massage

If you are looking for a full plan of action to guide you through your menopause journey check out our menopause program and get in touch to discuss how to get started.

My swim journey

I want to share a story with you. Grab a cuppa and settle in . . .

I have been a member of my gym for a few years now on and off plus breaks for lockdown etc. I wanted to get back into it as I was feeling like I could easily stay at home with my dogs all the time. Plus I was feeling frumpy and my clothes were more than snug, so I thought it was time to get back out there and face my issues and start being the change I wanted to make.

So after a few days of dragging myself out of bed and to the gym, I still wasn’t feeling it. The gym just wasn’t where I wanted to be.
Don’t get me wrong I did feel better after, but I wasn’t filling me with joy even though I bought new gym gear to make myself feel good.
I may go back and do some workouts in there again soon but for now I have found my favourite exercise.

I remembered I preferred the pool and I love swimming. I’ve been going now for the past 5 weeks and I think I’ve finally established a habit.

The first week I wore my old swimsuit which wasn’t the most flattering but I didn’t let that stop me. I could have put it off and waited for my new one but I showed up and swam !

I am now sporting my new bravissimo costume that is most flattering and gives me more confidence as it holds all my wobbly bits in nicely.

I have gradually built up my lengths over the past few weeks, I don’t count the lengths personally I go by time, so 20 minutes then built up to longer sessions and do what I can.
I swim with a purpose using long slow but sure movements pushing my arms out and kicking my legs I can feel the bingo wings tightening and my body getting firmer.

When I go early in the morning, the pool is quiet and the sun glistens on the water, it’s so peaceful. I sometimes visualise a mountain lake while I swim.
I find swimming a rhythmic meditative exercise, it helps me clear my head and mentally plan the rest of my day.  It is a lovely start to the day and I’m glad I persevered and stuck to my early morning routine, as it now feels natural to get up and go, I actually wake up automatically now.
They have a jacuzzi and a steam room too, so its like a mini spa day before work. I make it special so it feels less like a chore a more for the good of my health and selfcare. I take my nice shampoos and cleansers and a big soft towel so it’s a luxury experience. I put my body cream on and make up and dry my hair it all just runs smoothly now so long as I get my bag ready the night before, and make the intention to go.

I can already feel my body toning up slowly but surely and my energy levels and mobility have improved. I have made tweaks to my diet to fuel my brain and body as I think I may be perimenopausal, so need all the help I can get. I take my vitamins and collagen supplement and have a great skincare routine as you would expect. I make sure I am looking after myself even though my days are full I fit it in because it is so important.

So why am I telling you all this ?

The moral of this story is to help you see windows of time that you may not have considered yet to carve some time for yourself.
This can be used to do something just for you.

Whatever makes you happy.

You need to make yourself a priority right now !

Even if you start with small things such as sitting down with your morning coffee instead of grabbing it and rushing around, maybe try meditating for 5 minutes, this can be just deep breaths nothing too complicated or woo woo. I know you may have a rush on a morning getting the kids ready, but wherever you find 5 minutes try to enjoy it.
Maybe try a gentle yoga class or a nice walk.
Why not book that massage after all your shoulders can’t take much more !

You don’t have to do anything too drastic, I just wanted to remind you of how awesome you are and that you should be looking after yourself.

Have fun and let me know how you get on I would love to hear your stories.
If you need any advice or want to have a chat get in touch.

Traditional skincare will not improve your skin

If you keep using traditional skincare your skin is not going to improve !
If you are suffering from any of the following symptoms please get in touch :
? Hormonal breakouts
? Sensitised skin
? Redness
? Lines and wrinkles
? Dry or oily patches
? Flaky skin
? Uneven texture or tone
? Make up goes on patchy
? Excess oil
? Pigmentation
The thing is, traditional skincare only works on the surface of the skin and simply cannot treat any of these symptoms successfully.
We work on the cause of the symptom and our advanced skin technology facial range – Nimue gets to the deeper layers of the skin.
This changes cellular function and can retrain how the cells behave.
This is done by Nimue’s unique patented delivery systems which enable pharmaceutical grade ingredients to penetrate deep into the dermis to treat the cause of the problem.
So if you’re still wondering why your Aldi or even Estee Lauder moisturiser isn’t giving you the results you want, maybe it’s time for a change and some expert advice.
Oh and please use SPF daily.
It’s the same sun everywhere !
You know there’s only one Sun right ?
Wherever you are in the world, it’s your best defence against environmental damage. Whether you can see it or feel it its there trust me !
Another top tip for you :
Avoid thicker creams thinking you need more moisture.
This causes the negative feedback cycle which means the skin can’t cope with all the lipids in the creams and reacts badly.
You are better layering your products as follows :
Message us to finally get your skin in shape this summer !?

Bridal Skin Consultation

We did this shoot quite a few years ago with our resident photographer @rebeccafearnphotography
I am posting this image to remind you to get your skin in its best health before your big day so you can glow like our model.
We do bespoke skincare plans to help you start your nimue journey to better skin. Its important to get the correct advice and products that will suit your skin. You can’t just buy random skincare and expect it to work for you because its what your mother-in-law’s friend’s niece uses !
And I cannot stress this enough – please don’t be tempted to do a quiz on Tik Tok to find out what’s best either.
We can look at your skin and the whole picture of how busy your lifestyle is, what sorts of stresses are affecting you right now, what you eat, are you getting enough of the good stuff ? Do you take omega 3 supplements etc ? Do you spend a lot of time outdoors or in an office.
Also the main thing is how we can fit a good skincare routine into your schedule to make sure you stick to it.
You get us as your very own personal skin specialist on hand for advice whenever you need it.
Message us to book in for a chat about your skin.

Mummy wine culture

When did this whole mummy wine culture become so popular?
Alcohol is one of the most available substances for addiction.
So many of the people we speak to can’t wait to get home to a midweek glass of wine.
It’s so glamorised now as smoking used to be in the old films.
?Hard day at work reach for the wine
? kids doing your head in …
? stressed and not sleeping well …
Newsflash ⚡️
The wine won’t help you !
❌ It will make you irritable
❌ dehydrated
❌ grumpy
❌ Your skin will feel parched
❌ You won’t be getting better sleep
❌ You may get hot flushes
❌ Not to mention a headache after
?‍♀️Why not try some complimentary therapies that will help relax you in a different way.
?We offer quite a few holistic treatments that would definitely make you feel much better than a glass of wine.
✅ Hypnotherapy
✅ Reflexology
✅ Aromatherapy massage
✅ Extra relaxing facials
✅ Aromatic treatment rituals
✅ Reiki – Coming soon
We can help you get into good habits and give you tips to give you a more positive mindset.
We can listen to your problems.
And make you feel better.
Drop us a message to discuss what alternatives we can offer you.