If you keep using traditional skincare your skin is not going to improve !
If you are suffering from any of the following symptoms please get in touch :

The thing is, traditional skincare only works on the surface of the skin and simply cannot treat any of these symptoms successfully.
We work on the cause of the symptom and our advanced skin technology facial range – Nimue gets to the deeper layers of the skin.
This changes cellular function and can retrain how the cells behave.
This is done by Nimue’s unique patented delivery systems which enable pharmaceutical grade ingredients to penetrate deep into the dermis to treat the cause of the problem.
So if you’re still wondering why your Aldi or even Estee Lauder moisturiser isn’t giving you the results you want, maybe it’s time for a change and some expert advice.
Oh and please use SPF daily.
It’s the same sun everywhere !

You know there’s only one Sun right ?
Wherever you are in the world, it’s your best defence against environmental damage. Whether you can see it or feel it its there trust me !
Another top tip for you :
Avoid thicker creams thinking you need more moisture.
This causes the negative feedback cycle which means the skin can’t cope with all the lipids in the creams and reacts badly.
You are better layering your products as follows :

Message us to finally get your skin in shape this summer !

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